Is the place for health care which means that school health is a set of concepts, principles, systems and services promoting health for students at school, as well as promoting the well-being of the community through schools.     The school clinic is provided with all the necessary tools and medical equipments to help in the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions and provide the necessary medical procedures in emergency situations, such as:

    Bed, nebulizer for asthma, glucocheck device and other devices. The clinic also provides the necessary treatments for everyday-cases and under the direct supervision of the school doctor. Also available all the equipments (medical devices and materials needed for emergencies whether they are caused from sickness or resulting injuries in the school yards or playgrounds and burns.

    The medical staff in the school clinic is: a general practitioner and a qualified nurse. Functions and services provided by the medical staff in the school clinic:

  1. A comprehensive periodical medical examination for school students at the beginning of each academic year.
  2. Sort chronic conditions for students, document and follow them up during the school year and communicate with students’ parents with these medical conditions over the phone or by asking the parents to visit the school clinic.
  3. Distribution of the medical questionnaire to all the students to fill in and save as a major supplement in the student's file.
  4. Give the required vaccines for the targeted students.
  5. Ongoing supervision on the external and internal school facilities and focus on the places where student’s food is manufactured and sold, the cleanliness of the canteens, the cafeteria working staff, also perform the inspection constantly to ensure the provision of healthy meals with high nutritional value.
  6. Provide educational seminars and brochures for students according to their age groups and for the academic staff to help them acquire the necessary skills for early detection of students’ health problems.
  7. Follow-up and provide the necessary medical care for the daily pathological cases in the clinic and emergency cases in the school yards and playgrounds.
  8. Health supervision on the activities, occasions, and scout athletic gatherings for students.
  9. Refer the cases requiring diagnostic tools to hospitals (cases of suspected fractures or large wounds and other emergency situations and follow-up by the school doctor.
Note: - The school covered by health insurance in most private hospitals for emergencies.

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