The IIS offers its students a set of courses of various disciplines. The availability of these courses depend on grade and some courses can only be taken if prerequisites have been fulfilled.
Mathematics Department
- Expressions and Equations, Applications of Solving Equations, Inequalities
- Compound Inequalities, Absolute Value, Probability
- Graphing Data, Graphing Equations, Writing Equations, Systems of Equations
- Variation, Exponents, Scientific Notation, Polynomials, Quadratics
- Building Blocks of Geometry, Constructions
- Polygons, Circles, Surfaces
- Geometric Measurements , 3-D Measurements
- Special Triangles
- Geometric Proofs
- Binomial Expansion
- Factoring
- Matrices
- Special Graphs
- Exponential Functions, Logarithmic Functions
- Polynomials
- Systems of Three Equations
Humanities Department
- European History
- The Roman Empire (60 BCE-160 CE)
- The Fall of Rome (150CE-475CE)
- Early Middle Ages (475-1000)
- High Middle Ages (1000-1200)
- Italian Renaissance (1330-1550)
- The Enlightenment (1650–1800)
- The Scientific Revolution (1550-1700)
- The French Revolution (1789–1799)
- Napoleonic Europe (1799-1815)
- Europe (1815-1848)
- Europe (1848-1871)
- Europe (1871-1914)
- The Russian Revolution (1917–1918)
- World War I (1914–1919)
- The Interwar Years (1919-1938)
- World War II (1939–1945)
- The French and Indian War (1754-1763)
- Pre-Revolutionary America (1763-1776), The American Revolution (1754–1781)
- The Declaration of Independence (1776), Building the State (1781-1797)
- The Articles of Confederation (1781-1789), The Constitution (1781–1815)
- The Federalist Papers (1787-1789)
- The First Years of the Union (1797-1809)
- Westward Expansion (1807-1912)
- The War of 1812 (1809-1815)
- The Pre-Civil War Era (1815–1850)
- The Civil War 1850–1865
- Reconstruction (1865–1877)
- The Gilded Age & the Progressive Era (1877–1917)
- The Spanish American War (1898-1901)
- World War I (1914–1919)
- The Interwar Years (1919-1938)
- The Great Depression (1920–1940)
- World War II (1939–1945)
- The Cold War (1945–1963),
- The Korean War (1950-1953),
- The Civil Rights Era (1865–1970)
- The Vietnam War (1945-1975)
English Department
English 9 Standard is aligned with Common Core standards. In this course, students work on reading comprehension and analysis. They are required to read classic and contemporary masterpieces of great American and English poets, authors and playwrights, focusing on literary devices. Emphasis is on the composition of the sentence structure and paragraph; students learn the research process, using APA style and conventions. Writing includes the full spectrum of writing venues, such as descriptive, narrative, reflective and persuasive writing. Students study grammar as a route to more effective writing. Basic rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics are reviewed, and vocabulary is taught through varied sources, including literature and the Vocabulary Power Grade 9. Oral communication is emphasized in effective listening and speaking techniques.
English 10 is aligned with Common Core Standards. This course presents an intensive review and development of grammar and composition skills in conjunction with a study of the basic types of literature: poetry, novel, drama, and short story. Students learn literary forms and terms associated with selections being read and apply these in analysis. Teachers model writing strategies that students apply in their work, centering on the development and mastery of focus and coherence, voice, content, and conventions. Vocabulary enrichment is continued by using the vocabulary book and by studying vocabulary in context. Students will also strengthen their communication skills through effective listening and speaking techniques. Students refine their listening skills to better participate in lectures, classroom discussions, and cooperative group activities.
English 11 Standard is aligned with Common Core Standards. This course emphasizes the major themes of American Literature as well as literature from other world cultures. Students learn about literary movements associated with selections being read and apply these in analysis. Techniques of APA research paper writing are taught. Vocabulary study continues and students find the tools to express their ideas through vertically aligned vocabulary development stressing mastery of Greek and Latin roots. Oral communication is emphasized in effective listening and speaking techniques as they learn to express their ideas verbally.
This course is aligned with Common Core Standards and continues the practice of writing the major forms of composition, together with the study of major themes and works of British and world literature. It guides students through the process of starting, composing, revising, and editing. . Additionally, it helps students improve their skills such as time management, note-taking, exam taking and library skills. Students still have formal vocabulary study. Oral communication is emphasized in effective listening and speaking techniques as they learn to express their ideas verbally. Writing activities will include exposition and argumentation with at least one researched essay. Furthermore, the course introduces students to a range of literary genres that may include poetry, fiction, drama, creative non-fiction, and other cultural texts. Finally, this course includes practice in group interaction, public speaking and listening comprehension.
Arabic Department
Science Department
Physical Science is the study of matter and energy and is a combination of two branches of science: Chemistry and Physics. The Chemistry section of the course covers the properties, composition, structure, and interactions of matter. The Physics section of the course covers the relationship between matter and energy. Overall, this course focuses on exploring and understanding the relationships between Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Society. The topics of this course are reinforced with a strong emphasis on laboratory experiences.
- Cell Structure: Cell Membranes, Cell Differences, Intracellular Components
- Cell Respiration: Glycolysis, The Citric Acid Cycle, Oxidative Phosphorylation and Electron Transport
- Cell Reproduction: The Cell Cycle, Mitosis , Meiosis
- Molecular Biology: Genetic Code, DNA Translation
- Plants
- Microorganisms
- Evolution
- Animal Behavior
- Fundamentals of Chemistry: Units, Scientific Notation, and Significant Figures, The Periodic Table , Atomic Structure
- Bonding: Properties of Chemical Bonds
- Stoichiometry
- Gases: Gas Pressure, Ideal Gases
- Solutions: Composition of Solutions
- Acids & Bases: Fundamentals of Acids and Bases, PH Calculations , Buffers, Titrations
- Electrochemistry: Galvanic Cells, Electrolytic Cells
- Reaction Kinetics: Reaction Rate Laws
- Vectors
- Kinematics
- Dynamics: Newton's Three Laws
- Work, Energy & Power: Work and Power, Conservation of Energy
- Linear Momentum: Conservation of Momentum , Collisions
- Rotational Motion: Rotational Kinetics
- Oscillations: Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
- Gravitation: Kepler and Gravitation, Newton and Gravitation
- Thermodynamics: Building Blocks of Thermodynamics
- Magnetic Forces & Fields
- Optics
- Special Relativity
IT Department
Arts Department
Physical Education Department